
About us
        Hello! I am the administrator of this blog and I was really excited when I've seen the number of visitors. I am happy to see that the Jonas fans are more united than ever.
       We began as a small community, but, in time, we became a team. We're like a family. We have expanded on other social networks such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.
       With your help we want to show that Jonas fans are unstoppable. We can do anything! If you like this blog tell your friends about it! Every fan is welcome!
       I try to post every day for you to be always in the news theme.I hope I will not disappoint you !!!!!

       If you have any ideas or complaints about the blog send us messages on these accounts. We are active almost every day and we will respond as soon as possible.
        We’re waiting for your opinion!

                                                                                                                              Mrs President